How Chlorophyll Improves Fertility & Can Help You Get Pregnant
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 12% of all U.S. women of reproductive age are unable to become pregnant. There are many factors that can affect a woman’s fertility, including age and weight, but one common factor that is often overlooked is diet.
While there are many things that you can do to boost your chances of getting pregnant, improving your diet is one of the best things you can do for increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.
In this article, we'll discuss how consuming foods rich in chlorophyll can improve fertility and can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Plus, it's a great way to get extra nutrients that are key for a healthy pregnancy.
Oxidative Stress, Free Radicals and Its Impact On Fertility
Many modern-day substances can harm a pregnancy, such as free radicals and environmental toxins. Plus, our stress-filled lifestyles certainly don't help matters any. Even your age might make you more susceptible to free radical damage.
Each and every day your body is constantly exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS), substances that harm fertility. ROS are also referred to as free radicals. It's natural for your body to produce some free radicals, and in certain cases, they're necessary for normal physiological processes - like during ovulation. In a healthy body, ROS and antioxidants work together to create a balance in the body. When the balance is thrown off due to a greater amount of ROS, oxidative stress occurs, decreasing fertility in both females and males.
Oxidative stress has been suggested to play a role in miscarriages, unknown reasons for recurrent pregnancy loss, and placental oxidative stress, leading to improper implantation.
Some women may have chronic, low-grade inflammation, which has been previously associated with causes of infertility. It's been discovered that oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation can influence each other in a vicious cycle, making conditions for pregnancy even more difficult.
However, following a balanced, nutritional diet and taking nutritional supplements high in antioxidants can help reverse some of this damage.
Why You Should Consume Foods High In Chlorophyll When Trying To Get Pregnant
One way to boost your health and reduce oxidative stress is by increasing your intake of green leafy vegetables and other chlorophyll-rich foods. In this study, they found that chlorophyll exhibited substantial antioxidant activity and significantly improved antioxidant resistance.
So, what exactly is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants that is responsible for photosynthesis, the process that plants use to convert sunlight into energy. Without chlorophyll, plants would not be able to create the food they need to survive.
The structure of chlorophyll is very similar to hemoglobin, which is a protein found in our blood that is used to carry oxygen. This similar structure makes foods that are high in chlorophyll very beneficial and this is why it's an essential nutrient to help improve health and fertility.
In the role of conception, chlorophyll helps to improve egg quality, increase fertility, and aid the body to better absorb other nutrients. In addition, since chlorophyll-rich foods are a good source of antioxidants, they can help to protect eggs and sperm from damage. It also promotes cell growth and repair, improves circulation, and reduces inflammation.
You'll find that chlorophyll is high in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as Magnesium, Iron, and Calcium.
For couples who are trying to conceive, increasing their intake of chlorophyll-rich foods may help to improve their chances of success.
Why You May Want To Avoid Liquid Chlorophyll Supplements
When you’re trying to conceive, it’s only natural to want to do everything you can to improve your fertility. You may have heard that liquid chlorophyll supplements can help to promote fertility by boosting levels of oxygen in the blood and supporting healthy hormone balance. You can incorporate this nutrient into your diet by taking supplements or adding them to your meals. These are available in the form of powders, drops, pills, or capsules.
However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, and there are some things you need to be aware of when taking liquid chlorophyll supplements. You may be missing out on all the big benefits of chlorophyll for fertility.
Many people believe that chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are interchangeable, but they are quite different. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants that helps them to absorb light and convert it into energy. Chlorophyllin, on the other hand, is a synthetic version of chlorophyll that is often used as a food additive or supplement.
Chlorophyll VS. Chlorophyllin: Why This Matters
When checking out the label on some of these products, you may notice that they contain chlorophyllin vs. chlorophyll.
Chlorophyllins are water-soluble salts taken from chlorophyll-rich plants. Supplements that contain chlorophyllin may list sodium copper chlorophyllin or chlorophyllin copper complex in the ingredients. This supplement uses copper and sodium instead of the naturally occurring magnesium found in chlorophyll.
In this study, it was found that naturally, occurring chlorophyll provided a healthy blood supply to the body. Whereas chlorophyllins did not provide any benefit.
Why is this important?
The endometrium is a lining that coats your uterus. This lining provides nourishment for an embryo and for a baby to grow. It relies on good circulation and good blood flow in order to create an optimal uterine lining for conception. This is why consuming natural chlorophyll from foods and greens supplements is a better choice when trying to conceive or even during IVF treatment.
Getting more chlorophyll into your diet is as easy as eating dark green foods. Big salads and juices are a great way to start incorporating them into your every day. There are many green juice blends on the market that contain high amounts of chlorophyll, or you can make your own at home.
4 Easy Ways To Get More Natural Chlorophyll Into Your Diet
By following these tips, you can easily incorporate more chlorophyll-rich foods into your diet and enjoy the many benefits this natural remedy has to offer. No matter if you're a woman trying to get pregnant, seeing your doctor for IVF treatments, or about to give birth. There are several easy ways to incorporate more chlorophyll-rich foods into your life.
As we've discussed chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color and helps them convert sunlight into energy. This standard definition doesn’t do justice to chlorophyll’s true power.
In addition to being a vital part of photosynthesis, chlorophyll has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Research has shown that chlorophyll may help to fight cancer and reduce inflammation. It is a natural detoxifier, it helps to improve digestion, and it can even boost your immune system. But for those going through IVF treatment or trying to conceive the benefits can literally be life-changing.
If you’re looking for ways to get more chlorophyll into your diet, here are five easy tips:
1. Eat More Leafy Green Vegetables
Chlorophyll is concentrated in the leaves of plants, so eating more greens is an easy way to increase your intake. You can find abundant amounts of chlorophyll in dark leafy greens, cereal grasses, hemp seeds, chlorella, and spirulina. Try adding spinach or kale to your next salad, or make a green smoothie for breakfast.
2. Add Herbs To Your Meals
Adding herbs to your meals is an easy way to increase your intake of chlorophyll. Herbs like parsley, basil, and cilantro can add flavor and nutrition to any dish and are a great source of chlorophyll. Try adding them to soups, salads, or pasta dishes.
3. Make A Fertility Smoothie or Green Juice
Nurturing your fertility with chlorophyll-rich green juices and smoothies is a delicious way to support your reproductive system. Adding some spinach or kale to a smoothie or buying a cold-pressed green juice is an easy way to up your intake of chlorophyll.
4. Drink A Fertility Boosting Greens Powder
If you’re looking for a convenient way to get more chlorophyll into your diet, consider using a greens powder that contains wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, or chlorella.
Wheat Grass Juice for Fertility
One of the first things that pop in your mind about green juice is wheat grass. But did you know that wheat grass and barley grass are almost nutritionally the same?
Similarities Between Wheat Grass and Barley Grass
- Good sources of chlorophyll
- Wide range of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, E, K, and folate, and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium, including antioxidants.
- Maintains Alkaline Balance Of The Body
Differences between Wheat Grass and Barley Grass
While they both are similar in their nutrient content, there are some small differences.
- Wheatgrass contains a slightly higher protein content than barley grass.
- Many people find that barley grass has a more tolerable flavor than wheatgrass, which can be somewhat bitter.
- Barley grass is sourced from the young shoots of the barley plant, while wheatgrass comes from the young leaves of the wheat plant.
Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich grass that is often juiced or blended into smoothies and has been touted for its various health benefits. Wheatgrass is a good source of chlorophyll and is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. In addition, wheatgrass contains enzymes that can aid in digestion and detoxification.
Barley Grass Juice for Fertility
Barley grass is a type of grass that is often used for its health benefits. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and it has been traditionally used to help improve digestion and detoxification. Additionally, barley grass is a great source of chlorophyll, which is thought to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and blood-sugar-regulating properties. Some people also believe that barley grass can help boost energy levels and endurance.
With high levels of folic acid, chlorophyll, and essential vitamins, these grasses create the perfect environment for quality egg production in the ovaries. With a balanced pH level, the body also becomes more receptive to sperm.
These Two Superfoods Boost Fertility & Improve Your Egg Quality
If you're looking to improve your egg quality, consider adding spirulina and chlorella to your diet. Both of these nutrient-rich algae have been shown to improve egg quality in a number of ways. For starters, they help to increase the levels of antioxidants in the body, which can protect eggs from damage. They also help to reduce inflammation and promote cell health. In addition, spirulina and chlorella are both rich in vitamins and minerals, which can help to improve egg quality.
In this study, it was found that chlorella contains large quantities of folate, vitamin B-12, and iron, and can help improve anemia and high blood pressure before and during pregnancy.
So for a woman trying to conceive, this is huge. Not only does it include the top two nutrients that women who are looking to conceive need, but supports a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby.
Spirulina has been found to support healthy fertility and pregnancy through its superior nutritional content. It is a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals and has been shown to support healthy fertility and pregnancy.
Spirulina is also considered an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It can help reduce inflammation that causes a blockage to the fallopian tube and protect the body from free radical damage.
So if you're hoping to conceive soon, be sure to add these two superfoods to your diet!
Bottom Line: Can Chlorophyll Help You Get Pregnant If You Are Trying To Conceive?
There is a lot of evidence to support the belief that chlorophyll can help to improve fertility. Women who are struggling to conceive have found that drinking chlorophyll-rich green juices or smoothies can help to improve their chances of conception. The nutrients in chlorophyll may help to promote hormone balance and healthy ovulation, making it easier for an egg to be fertilized. In addition, the antioxidants in chlorophyll can help to protect eggs and sperm from damage, making them more likely to survive the journey to the womb. While there are no guarantees that chlorophyll will help you to get pregnant, it may be worth a try if you are struggling to conceive.
If you're looking for a simple & easy way to get more chlorophyll goodness, be sure to check out our Superfoods for Motherhood™. It is specifically designed to support women through all stages of motherhood.