The 8 Life-Changing Benefits of Barley Grass Juice

Wheatgrass has had its shining moment in the wellness industry for some time now — from wheatgrass shots to wheatgrass powders, it’s something many of us may be familiar with. But, it can be hard to tolerate as it’s not always the most delicious tasting green juice out there.
So, what about barley grass juice? It’s quickly becoming a go-to way to pack in a serious dose of nutritional value thanks to its mild flavor, and it’s potent nutrient density.
And, did you know that gladiators used to eat barley as part of their primarily vegetarian diet? Yup, this is where the name “barley men” came from. It’s been around for centuries, and we are still enjoying the benefits it has to offer today. Plus, with barley grass juice, it’s easier than ever to reap all the benefits it has to offer.
Read on as we share eight life-changing reasons to consider giving barley grass juice a try.
Nº 1 - Barley Grass Juice Tastes Better Than Wheatgrass
As with all food, taste is huge — if it doesn’t taste good, we are much less likely to enjoy it regularly. Here’s where barley grass trumps wheatgrass in the taste department.
It offers a much more mild taste, so it’s much easier to mix into a smoothie or a greens powder without detecting a powerful “grassy” taste.
Here at Daily Dose Greens, we use cold-pressed barley grass juice powder that actually tastes amazing. We make it easy to reap all the benefits this superfood has to offer without chalking down something that tastes like straight grass.
Nº 2 - Barley Grass Juice Has a Slightly Different Nutritional Profile
The nutrient profile between wheatgrass and barley grass is also slightly different. Barley grass contains a bit more protein, and it’s also a great source of vitamin C, A, B12, essential amino acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Nº 3 - Rich Iron Content
While we often think about meat when it comes to iron-rich foods, there are plenty of plant-based ways to support our daily iron needs. Barley grass juice happens to be a wonderful and nutrient-dense way to pack in a hefty dose of plant-based iron.
Nº 4 - Great Source of Chlorophyll
Adding barley grass juice to your supplement routine is also a great way to get chlorophyll into your diet, which has been known to help support detoxification, and may evenact as a blood builder, helping support the quality of our red blood cells.
And, chlorophyll may even give us a much-needed natural energy boost, which is always welcome!
Nº 5 - Barley Grass Juice May Help Fill Nutritional Gaps
No matter how clean we eat, it can be difficult to get everything we need from diet alone — thanks to soil depletion, our food isn’t as nutrient-dense as it once was. This is where bridging nutritional gaps comes into play.
By adding barley grass juice to your supplement routine, you’ll be nourishing your body with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive.
Plus, strict vegans and vegetarians may have a hard time getting all of their B12 and iron from diet alone, making barley grass juice an excellent addition to a plant-based diet for some added assurance that you are getting exactly what your body needs.
Nº 6 - May Support Healthy Cholesterol Levels
While more studies are needed to confirm this benefit, preliminary research suggests that barley grass juice may help support healthy cholesterol levels.
This is awesome news because healthy cholesterol levels are essential for keeping the health of our heart healthy and happy.
Nº 7 - Free Radical Scavenger
We need more free radical scavengers that work just as hard as barley grass juice! The barley leaf extract has been shown to help scavenge free radicals, which is huge for helping protect our cells from free radical damage.
This is key for optimal health as too many free radicals has been linked to an increased risk of disease. But there’s good news! There’s an easy way to get this free radical scavenger into your diet, and help give your body what it needs to keep those free radicals at bay (read more below).
Nº 8 - May Give Our Immune System a Boost
Immune health is on everyone’s mind (really no matter what season we are in), and if you are looking for a new natural way to show your immune system some love, barley grass juice may be just what you are looking for.
Due to its rich vitamin and mineral content (like vitamin C), it makes a great addition to a healthy diet to start building a robust immune system to help keep you strong and healthy all year.
The Most Delicious Way to Enjoy Barley Grass Juice
If taking a straight shot of barley grass juice isn’t your thing, we totally get that — not all barley grass juice is going to taste the same, and some may be too earthy tasting to really be considered palatable.
The good news is that we have designed the most delicious way to reap all the benefits barley grass juice has to offer with our Daily Dose Greens Powder. Simply whisk one scoop of our greens powder into a 12 oz glass of water. With the pleasant minty taste, you’ll wonder how it could even be healthy!
Oh, and the best part? Daily Dose Greens is made without:
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Soy
- Eggs
- Fillers
- Additives
- Anything artificial
You can grab your jar of greens here.
Cheers to getting our daily dose of barley grass juice in the tasty way!